
Quang-Tien Dam

Msc. Student
Ritsumeikan University
damtien440 (at) gmail.com

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Knowing who someone is is important to interact appropriately with that person. A professor should be treated with a certain level of academic respect. A worker needs simple instructions to follow. Quality is something similar to a person’s identity. It creates a subconscious image in people’s minds about almost everything, maybe in the form of prejudice. There are a few ways that people can define their own qualities. Some nurture it, some let it grow naturally, or it is shaped by their environment.

I will make an assumption that people would continously change. That’s because of their internal environment change, their brain keep get rid of old information, learn new things by prunning old connections, generating new neurals and connections. Their foods, their environments are also changing everyday. So people change. So their value change. So some professor can become an ignorant day by day. And so, some workers can be more clever than some professors.

You can nurture your mind, modify it, and turn it into what you want. Or you can let it grow naturally, with the risk of being manipulated by others. Developing in a certain direction is a very personal choice. It must be a good and nice world where everyone tries to help each other, deliver nice values, and nurture sincere qualities. I believe in such a future.

I believe that we can make a better world in peace and with moderate competitiveness.

Thus, I want to be good, be a good man, a good human being, and bring a positive impact to this world. I will craft myself to be that person.

You may think that will is cheesy and unrealistic. I agree. Anything that is too good will be labeled cheesy and lame by someone in this world, won’t it? Still, it is good because it’s actually good from the inside, from the pure intention of it.

I want to shout to the world that this is my thought.

Why laugh at someone’s goodwill? The world may be hard, and such thinking may be viewed as naive. Those naive views deserve innocent empathy and nurturing. And that goodwill will empower actions. And actions will transform the world to be less hard. Hence, better world!

I will try my best to stay innocent, stay positive.

Miss but an hour's fated meeting, and lifetimes pass before next greeting.